

Glossary of Cannabis Terms: CBD, Hemp & Weed Slang / Lingo

After the legalization of the Farm Bill 2018, there has been increasing growth in the commercial use of cannabis-obtained products. And different products like CBD oil and hemp oil came within easy reach of the commons. But, this sudden stream of compounds such as hemp and CBD leads to confusion about their differences. That’s where this glossary of cannabis terms comes in! 

In the elaborate world of cannabis, there are apparently endless terms or abbreviations that people use. It can get confusing quickly! You should know the lingo surrounding CBD products and hemp. Whether you are a novice consumer or looking for a new course, knowing these common vocab terms will help you to parse all that you’re buying. We’re here to help.

So, let’s begin from here with this thorough guide on important terms in the CBD and hemp world. 

Cannabis Terms- CBD & Hemp Glossary 

First off, what is cannabis, what is marijuana, and what is hemp?

Cannabis refers to BOTH marijuana and hemp.

From a legal standpoint, marijuana is federally illegal, while hemp is federally legal.

This is because technically, the definition of marijuana is that it contains over 0.3% delta-9 THC content by weight. To be hemp, it must contain less than 0.3% delta-9 THC content by weight. Both marijuana and hemp plants are cannabis.

Cannabidiol (CBD)

The cannabis plant is the source of this chemical, known as CBD. CBD has been shown to potentially help prevent oxidative stress in the body. Some claim anti-inflammatory and discomfort-relieving effects.

The endocannabinoid system in your body is specifically built to interact with the cannabinoids in cannabis (ECS). The ECS affects everything, from how you feel and move to how you react.

Cannabidiol (CBD) may potentially be helpful for various issues people may deal with. However, we are not medical professionals, therefore we cannot make medical claims about our products / hemp products in general.

Basically, CBD is a compound from the cannabis plant that does not have a psychoactive effect. This means CBD does not get you ‘high’. Instead, people enjoy it for the benefits that cannabis plants in general can provide, without feeling mentally different.

Shop New CBD Suppositories Here! Learn more about CBD Suppositories Here.

Cannabinol (CBN)

Cannabis contains 113 cannabinoids, including CBN(Cannabinol). It was first discovered in 1896 and was the first pure cannabinoid to be extracted. Before the discovery of THC, researchers assumed that CBN was the main reason for cannabis intoxication. You’ll see a rise in CBN concentrations in older strains of cannabis. Even as THC starts oxidizing through aging, it starts to transform into CBN.

Nowadays, we’re aware CBN is not the reason for intoxication. Rather, it is another non-psychoactive cannabis compound like CBD that may potentially be beneficial to some.


Cannabis strains contain cannabinoids, which occur naturally. CBD and CBN are two cannabis compounds, or cannabinoids. The term “phytocannabinoids” refers to the fact that these cannabinoids originate from plants. The following “major” phytocannabinoids are commonly found in cannabis:

ECS (Endocannabinoid systems) are activated when these phytocannabinoids are ingested. Studies show that this interplay can assist the body in regulating essential functions and keep a sense of stability and contentment. 

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)

THC is an abbreviation for delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, sometimes known as Delta-9 THC. This cannabinoid molecule found in cannabis has long been considered marijuana’s primary euphoric element. There are other kinds of tetrahydrocannabinols aside from Delta-9, however, if you see someone reference ‘THC’ there’s a good chance they’re talking about delta-9.

THC attaches to the body’s endocannabinoid system, distributed throughout the brain and neurological system. Even though its euphoric effects only last a few hours, THC may be detectable in the body for considerably longer than most other drugs’ components.

Learn more about THC here!

Delta-8 THC

In the Cannabis Sativa plant, the cannabinoid delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol exists naturally. The most common THC psychotropic component, delta-9 THC, is quite similar to this molecule.

Cannabis cannabinoids act by attaching to specific brain receptors as well as to the nervous system. Delta-8 THC seems to be less euphoric than delta-9 THC. Most delta-8 THC is synthesized in a lab since the quantity of delta-8 THC naturally found in cannabis and hemp is minimal.

Though consumers use it, hardly any scientific data supports the use of delta-8 THC for nausea and vomiting induced by cancer therapy treatment, glaucoma, and other illnesses.

Learn more about Delta-8 here!


There is a new molecule in the cannabis family- THC-O acetate, and it may be up to three times more potent than THC. Many Americans who don’t have legal access to marijuana have taken an interest in the synthetic chemical THC-O acetate, which is typically abbreviated to THC-O.

Learn more about THC-O in a blog here.

THCA (tetrahydrocannabinol acid)

THC’s predecessor is the cannabinoid acid THCA. THCA progressively transforms into THC when the plant is dried or cooked. Some beneficial characteristics may be found in it, such as alleviating discomfort and inflammation. Research on THCA’s possible therapeutic qualities is currently ongoing.


This cannabinoid generated from hemp has a lot of promise, but it also raises many concerns. Roger Adams, an American scientist, initially synthesized HHC in 1944 by adding hydrogen particles to Delta-9 THC. Hexahydrocannabinol results from a chemical reaction known as hydrogenation (HHC).

Hydroxylation isn’t only for the creation of cannabinoids. The production of margarine using a similar procedure for converting vegetable oil.

Adams from traditional cannabis THC first synthesized HHC. Still, hemp, a low-THC cannabis plant recently legalized by Congress in the 2018 farm bill, is now the most common source of cannabinoids.

Learn More About HHC Here

Shop Grassroots Harvest HHC Products here!

Full Spectrum

Full-Spectrum is a CBD product with up to 0.3% delta-9 THC. Unlike other kinds, full spectrum CBD extracts are those that comprises the whole spectrum of the cannabis plant.

Cannabinoids, flavonoids, terpenes, fatty acids and other plant components may be in full-spectrum extracts. These ingredients may have their own therapeutic value creating an entourage effect. Effectively, full-spectrum CBD may provide you with all of the plant’s possible benefits.

Most of the Grassroots Harvest CBD line is made with full spectrum cbd extract.


ZERO thc cbd oil

Supplements labeled “broad spectrum” appear in the middle of isolate and full-spectrum formulations. As terpenes and other helpful cannabinoids are present in the broad-spectrum products, the entourage effect may also occur, despite the absence of THC. Broad-spectrum products may be a preferable option for people unable or who choose not to have any residues of THC in their body. Full-spectrum products, on the other hand, are more effective.

CBD Isolate 

You make a CBD isolate product with CBD isolate extract. This kind of extract holds 99.99% CBD exclusively, no other cannabinoids. CBD isolate extracts remove all other cannabinoids, leaving just the CBD in powder or crystalline form. This CBD isolate extract is how you make CBD isolate products. As a result, these products do not offer the entourage effect. Instead, they are good for those who need to avoid THC, but still want the benefits of CBD products.  

COA (Certificate of Analysis)

A recent third-party lab test should be available on any good CBD product. To verify the certificate of authenticity (COA), look for the batch number on the product and visit the brand’s website. Make sure the THC content is below 0.3%. Most concentrations are between—.05 and.11, substantially below the.3 per cent threshold. 

Find our Lab Results here.

Final Thoughts on Cannabis Terms / CBD & Hemp Glossary:

We hope this guide helps you understand some of the confusing terms in the cannabis world. There’s a lot to cover, did we miss something causing confusion? Let us know in the comments below and we’ll add it to our glossary!

As a result of your CBD study, you’ve gained a deeper understanding of the terms you’ve come across. Now it’s time to have a visit to our products!

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