

Top CBD Products For 2019

CBD Had A Big Year In 2018. 2019 Is About To Be Even Bigger.

There are a lot of reasons why 2018 was a great year for CBD. The 2018 Farm Bill that passed last month legalized industrial hemp nationwide, an increasing number of studies were published on the potential benefits of CBD, and the FDA approved a CBD medication (Epidiolex) for patients with epilepsy.

For all these reasons and more, it seems likely that 2019 will be a big year for CBD. In fact, CBD-related stocks are expected to soar next year as the industry continues to boom.

There’s so much to look forward to in the world of CBD, so we’ve made a list of our fave CBD products for ringing in the New Year. In periods of transition, like the start of a new year, it can be helpful to be mindful of stress. Stress tends to creep up in transitionary periods, so taking preemptive steps to combat it isn’t a bad idea. CBD can help with that.

Here’s our Top CBD Products For 2019:

CBD Lotion– There’s so much to love about this soothing topical cream, and this time of year, we’re needing our CBD lotion more than ever. The chilly weather is bringing aches and pains along with it, so we’re relying on how packed this lotion is with CBD to make it through most days. The anti-inflammatory abilities of CBD help

1500mg CBD Oil– When it comes to CBD oil, this is bringing out the big guns. This is the highest concentration of CBD that we carry, and with 1500mg of CBD per bottle, it packs quite the punch.

CBD Gummies– There’s something so nostalgic and fun about gummy candy. These gummies are packed with CBD, so you won’t need to feel guilty for indulging a bit. These are the perfect combo of sweet and sweet, sweet relief. They’re one of our favorite ways to feel like a New You in the New Year.

As 2019 gets going, expect to see CBD in the news more and more frequently. There’s a possibility that a wave of studies will come out, now that research into CBD is less restricted. As research compounds, discoveries on the abilities of CBD are sure to surface, and the CBD industry will flourish. This is going to be a big year for CBD, try one of our favorite CBD products for 2019 and start your year off right.

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