Pain/Inflammation Relief, Anti-anxiety/Anti-psychotic, Seizure Reduction, Promote Cardiovascular Health, Nausea Relief, Stress Reduction, and More
Sublingual/Topical Hemp Oil Extract (CBD) Tincture (1500mg/32ml).
This is the higher concentration of Grassroots Harvest sublingual/topical Hemp Oil Extract (CBD) tincture, with 50mg per milliliter.
Sublingual: Shake before use. Place 3-8 drops directly under the tongue. Wait 10 seconds before swallowing. Suggested use one to two times per day. Additional dosages can be administered as needed.
Topical: Shake before use. Place 2-4 drops directly to the skin. Rub in completely. Suggested use one to two times per day. Additional dosages can be administered as needed.
CBD is an abbreviation for cannabidiol, which is the major non-psychoactive cannabinoid derived from the hemp plant. CBD has many holistic benefits that have been reported in a variety of clinical studies and continues to amaze as we discover more.
Ingredients: Hemp Oil Extract (CBD).
This product has not been evaluated by the FDA. It is not intended to diagnose, prevent, cure, or treat any diseases.
Please consult a physician before using this product.
Richard Kingsley –
Bad arthritic left ankle. Joint replacement recommended. Your hemp oil has vastly reduced the pain when I get out of a chair and start walking. Thanks
Jasmin Weber (store manager) –
Thank you for sharing your experience with us, it means the world to us to know our products help people- we appreciate your kind words!