Back To School: CBD For Parents

Back to school season is in full swing!

For every excited child looking forward to their first day of class, there’s an anxious parent. For every classroom waiting to be filled with students, there’s a nervous teacher prepping bulletin boards. The end of summer can be bittersweet all around- lazy days by the pool are coming to an end, sleeping in will once again be relegated to the weekend, and there’s a lot to do to get everyone ready. 

While some parents may (not-so-secretly) look forward to the start of the school year, for many this time is a source of stress. Transitioning from the lackadaisical rhythm of summer to the rigid schedule of the school year can be hard for a lot of kids and parents, while for teachers, stepping back into the swing of things comes with a lot of demands.

For Parents & Teachers Stressing About the School Year, CBD is Here. 

This may be the perfect time to add CBD into your routine. When stress is high and time is short, adding something to the schedule, even if it’s simple and easy, can seem like a big task. But don’t worry! There are CBD options to fit everyone’s needs, and the benefits are more than worth it. 

People all over the world are speaking out about the success they’re having with CBD. While the mechanics of how CBD impacts the body aren’t totally clear, there’s growing evidence of all the things CBD may be helpful for. Stress is one of the biggest things on that list. Many people report feeling less stressed after taking CBD, with fewer racing thoughts, less muscle tension, and more. With the stress that comes hand-in-hand with the start of school for many parents and teachers, there’s no better time to try CBD. 

Here’s our recommendation for easy & effective ways of using CBD throughout your day!

PROBLEM: Early wake-up calls are killing me. 

CBD-SOLUTION: Try taking some CBD before bed for more restful sleep, or first thing in the morning to make those early morning alarms a little less hard to deal with. Plus, if you’re maximizing the time that you do have by falling asleep more quickly than you would normally, it might make waking up feel a little less painful. We can’t change when you have to get up, but we may be able to change how you feel about it!

We Recommend: 

2500mg CBD Oil– Our strongest concentration of CBD ever! A few drops of this goes a long way, so not only is it effective, it’s also super efficient- just one bottle of this can last over two months, depending on how often you use it and how much you use at a time. A few drops under the tongue before bed may be just the ticket for truly restful sleep!

Harmony CBD Honey– Start the morning off right with a spoonful of Harmony CBD honey in your tea, spread on top of toast, or just eaten right off the spoon! Our CBD honeys are flavored with all-natural terpenes, and Harmony is made with Sour Diesel terpenes for a honey that’s uplifting, energizing, and delicious! Our honey comes in two sizes, 200mg/2oz or 400mg/4oz jars available. 

PROBLEM: I’m always on-the-go.

CBD-SOLUTION: While we might not be able to make the to-do list any shorter, we can recommend some easy ways to get your dose of CBD while you check items off like a boss! 

We Recommend: 

CBD Capsules- The same high-quality CBD that’s found in our CBD oils is also available in capsules! When your schedule is tight, these little guys make it super easy to take a dose of CBD wherever, whenever. With 25mg of CBD per capsule, it’s never been easier to get a perfect, consistent dose every time. Plus, there’s no chance of spilling or wasting any CBD when taking a capsule on the road, unlike CBD oil. 

CBD Gummies– Honestly, we’d recommend CBD gummies to just about everybody- they come in four classic flavors, and it’s super easy to know how much CBD you’re getting, as there’s 15mg in each gummy. Keep a pack of these gummies in your purse or glove box (if it’s not too hot- these gummies will melt!) so they’re handy for whenever you need them! 

CBD Topicals– When chasing after kids all day leaves your arms and legs aching, it’s time to pull out the CBD topicals! Our CBD Lotion and Recover CBD Serum are both topical solutions for wellness that have been formulated to absorb into the skin as efficiently and quickly as possible, which means you start feeling the difference ASAP!

This school year doesn’t have to be hard. Pick up some CBD today, and feel the difference. 

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