Breaking News in the World of Cannabis:
In a historic move, the House of Representatives passed a standalone marijuana reform bill for the very first time on Wednesday.
This is a remarkable moment for the cannabis industry in the U.S., as bipartisan support of the SAFE Banking Act (#SAFEBankingAct) has taken us one step closer towards protected access to financial institutions.
By and large, legal cannabis companies have not had secure access to banking and credit card processing solutions.
The goal of the SAFE Banking Act is to ensure that legal cannabis companies are not forced to deal in cash only, which has become a major safety concern for many legitimate businesses.
The SAFE Banking Act still needs to be passed by the Senate before it can become law. If you’d like to show your support, the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) has made it easy– simply fill out your name and address, and they will send a pre-written letter voicing support of the SAFE Banking Act to your members of congress.
Ready to let your Senators know your opinion? You can do so here: