MORE Act 2020 Vote

The House of Representatives passed the MORE Act in a bipartisan vote (228 yes-164 no). This is a bill which would federally decriminalize marijuana and so much more- pun intended. 

Marijuana is classified as a Schedule I drug like ecstasy and heroin, which is why the act is so exciting. The MORE act would automatically exclude marijuana from this group. This is important to us because while Schedule I drugs are undoubtedly dangerous and could cause serious addiction, cannabis does not. We think it’s about time to acknowledge this.

On top of decriminalizing marijuana at a federal level, the MORE Act also includes several social justice measures that would seek to: 

  • create more equality in the cannabis industry by making it easier to join in
  • aid communities disproportionately damaged by the War on Drugs by setting up funding specifically for these areas, and
  • remove nonviolent federal marijuana convictions. 

Proposed Taxation

If made into law, the quick math is that States would potentially take a 5% tax for all cannabis-based products sold or distributed by various small & large businesses. This would bring solid income for the States if the Senate passes the bill.

Unfortunately, it is unlikely that the bill will pass once it reaches the Senate. However, this is still an important moment for cannabis legality in the U.S., and is just another sign that public opinion has swung clearly in favor of legalization. 

In this year’s election, 5 states- Arizona, Mississippi, Montana, New Jersey, and South Dakota- all legalized marijuana in some way. 

Read our blog for the latest news and updates!

What Does ‘MORE’ Stand For?

The Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act, in case you were curious! It’s a name that celebrates the main tenets of the bill. Namely, the damage done while marijuana is illegal must be undone (as much as possible) when it is decriminalized. 

Why Is the MORE Act So Important?

This is the first time a chamber of Congress has voted on a marijuana decriminalization bill. States have done so before, but this is the first time the issue has come up for vote on a federal level. The fact that it passed is a huge expression of where the country’s head is when it comes to marijuana legalization, so even if the Senate fails to pass the bill it is a sign of things to come. 

Stay Tuned..

Our blog will post updates when possible on this & other stories related to cannabis & marijuana legalization.

We at Grassroots Harvest are excited for the possibility of the decriminalization of this powerful plant. We have always hoped that the full benefits of cannabis would become available on a nationwide level, and we think America is closer than ever to making that decision.

Learn more about cannabis laws here:

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