Does CBD Show Up On A Drug Test?

If you work somewhere that does mandatory drug testing, you may be nervous about taking CBD, as it is a cannabinoid. Let’s break down whether or not CBD could show up on a drug test:

First of all, it’s highly unlikely that a CBD product will make you test positive for marijuana. That includes multiple kinds of CBD products, like CBD edibles.

Will CBD Edibles Show On A Drug Test? Will CBD Cause Positive Drug Test?

It is possible for CBD products to cause a false positive, however it is fairly unlikely. If the CBD product you’re using contains delta-9 THC, it is much more likely that it could cause a positive on a drug test. If you’re using a product that is sold with significant amounts of THC inside, you need to understand testing positive for THC is a big possibility. If the product you’re using only has trace amounts of THC inside (0.3% or less to be federally legal), it becomes much less likely, however it is technically possible. The only form of CBD products that do not have the chance of causing a positive THC test are CBD isolate products. CBD isolate is a kind of extract with absolutely no other cannabinoids inside.

Let’s Dive In

If your workplace drug tests, it is very likely that they are testing for marijuana- but here’s the catch- the test for marijuana use typically measures THC levels, not CBD levels.

Our full-spectrum products contain less than the federal legal limit of .3% THC, while our CBD isolate products contain no THC whatsoever.

In order to test falsely positive for THC on a drug test, you’d have to take excessively large quantities of our full-spectrum CBD products as there’s such a small amount of THC, but it is technically possible.  It is also possible for THC to build up in the system when taking full-spectrum CBD products over a long period of time, so if you have been or are planning on using CBD consistently for a while, it’s important to keep that in mind.

If you are using a CBD isolate product, you will have no THC in your system regardless of how much product you use. If testing positive is a major concern, consider using CBD isolate products exclusively to avoid any chance of a false positive. 

Our CBD Isolate products:

Vapable CBD Oil (150mg)

Vapable CBD Oil (350mg)

Inspire CBD Honey

ALL Our CBD Gummies

So, CBD itself will not show up on a drug test, because they typically can’t test for CBD. However, if you were to take extremely large doses of full-spectrum CBD, or if you were to use a CBD product not in compliance with the 2018 Farm Bill, it would potentially be possible for you to test positive for THC due to the trace amounts that are present.

If you’re concerned about failing a drug test, consider the potential risks of using CBD before deciding whether or not it’s right for you. CBD isolate products are a great option for people concerned about drug testing, as those products contain absolutely no THC. Our CBD edibles like our Original CBD Gummies do not contain any THC.

And most importantly, be sure to buy your CBD from a reputable company with third party lab testing, so you know exactly what you’re taking.

Before deciding whether or not to use CBD, here are some questions you can ask your employer regarding their policies concerning drug testing and CBD:

  • Would you accept a Certificate of Analysis that shows legal THC content as proof of legal CBD usage?
  • Would you accept a doctor’s note for CBD usage? (not all physicians will be willing to write this kind of note)

If your employer answers ‘no’ to those questions and you’re still interested in using CBD, you should absolutely use CBD isolate products that come with a Certificate of Analysis to prove 0% THC content.