

Is CBD Flower Legal in Texas? | Buy CBD Bud Hemp Bud Texas

Texas has always been known to be an agricultural state. The second largest state has the requisite size and climate necessary to house numerous crops. And for many years, hemp was never part of that discussion till now. Thanks to the newly minted Farm bill, hemp farms have begun to spring up across the state. 

But a lot regarding the legality of hemp is still unknown leading to questions like “Is CBD Flower Legal in Texas?” and “Legal CBD Flower in Texas” and so on. Within this article we are going to be exploring the legality of CBD flower and other issues you need to know about. 

Can Hemp Be Grown Legally?

The short answer is yes. Farmers are allowed to grow hemp given they apply and receive the prerequisite license to do so. These licenses can be procured by filing an application with the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA). But before we proceed, lets dive into previous moments that led to this momentous occasion. 

On the 10th of June, 2019 Governor Greg Abbot signed House Bill 1325 which went into effect immediately. Subsequently, in December of the same year, commissioner of the Texas Department of Agriculture Sid Miller submitted a plan to the USDA outlining its desired rules and regulation of its pilot hemp farming program. After making certain tweaks to the proposed plan, USDA approved the plan on the 27th of January 2020. 

Finally, on the 16th of March, 2020 the pilot hemp program was rolled out by the TDA. And in April, the commission subsequently award its first license to a farmer In Killeen, Texas

Is CBD Flower Legal in Texas?

To begin, it is important to mention that the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) is the body responsible for regulating all CBD hemp products within the state. At this time, the department allows registered Texas retailers to sell hemp derived products as long as it meets specific guidelines. 

State and federal regulations demand all hemp products are not allowed to have more than 0.3% THC. Additionally, these products (sold online or in stores) are not allowed to make any medical claims regarding the product. And finally, all products must be free from heavy metals, residual solvents and other harmful substances. 

Factoring these in, CBD Flower is legal to sell and use in the state of Texas.

Differentiating between Hemp Flower Different Than Marijuana?

At this point, it is important to discuss the differences between CBD hemp flower and D9 THC flower. Hemp flower is a major component of the hemp plant alongside seeds, leaves and stalks. And although the flowerstands out from the rest of the plant because of its high CBD content, the stalks, seeds, and leaves have varying levels of value too. 

CBD hemp flower often contains high percentages of CBD and low percentages of THC. Other hemp strains could also have miniscule levels of other non-intoxicating cannabinoids including CBG, CBC, CBN, and CBDV.

Delta 9 THC flower on the other hand has higher THC levels, lower CBD levels and other cannabinoids. And it has been illegal and has continued to be illegal since the country’s war on drugs began in 1970. 

Exploring our CBD Flower Options

As a leading CBD expert, we have in store various strains of CBD designed to provide you with an excellent feeling and some pretty awesome benefits, check them out:

  • Space Candy Hemp (CBD) Flower
  • Lifter Hemp (CBD) Flower
  • Hawaiian Haze Hemp (CBD) Flower 
  • CBG Hemp Flower
  • Austin Chronic- Chronic Kush (CBG + Delta 8 THC) Hemp Flower

Each strain packs a unique punch and is ideal to alleviate a plethora of symptoms and induce feelings of pleasantness and euphoria.

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